Saturday, November 15, 2008

"My turn..."

Well, it's my turn to become unemployed again as my steady gig has gone south for the winter. Looking for a real job is sad as the ones that interest me just aren't interested in me.

Don't you wish you could just walk up to someone who seems a bit burnt out with their job, tap them on the shoulder and say "My turn!". This always crossed my mind each morning as I drove to my former corporate job by way of the park. I would pass by two museums each morning where their employees frowned sadly as they shuffled through the doors. I would think, "Trade places or retire to Florida!".

So yesterday, while multi-tasking through the classifieds, looping through telephone voice prompts, and revising the ol' resume - I doodled this duck. Then borrowed a clip from one of my vintage souvenir scarves to make this stamp. It's my attempt to channel in on some sample braille art I recently did for a job bid. Simple, strong vectored lineart for children's braille textbooks. I really would love to get that project.... and soon please!


Doggie said...

I'm still looking for that audio job.

Amanda said...

Awesome stamp - seriously awesome.