Thursday, October 16, 2008

The Girl Effect...

So it appears Blog Action Day '08 threw a party and everyone came! Last count was over 12,800 blogs from all over the world addressing the single topic of poverty. Powerful. They claim an audience of over 13 million - but actually about 50 of those were me. I spent the morning coffee time scrolling around as I found my way to the blogging artists' neighborhood. I had had little sleep and wanted pictures, few words to wake me up. Then I found what I was looking for. One simple suggestion of a solution. Simply done so very well...

The Girl Effect.... good, huh. Allowing the world to evolve through simply educating a girl. Wow.

A similar cause has been going on for over 60 years by a group called Heifer International (not limiting services to just girls.) In fact, I was given a heart warming gift last Christmas by my youngest brother-family. A flock of chicks were given to an impoverished family on my behalf. They now not only enjoy that perfect protein-filled food each day, but also share eggs within their village. Building sustainable communities. Wow.

It's just that simple.


kystorms said...

Wow, great video ... many thanks for posting it.
I will repost on my site as well.

Imagine , just imagine ~ what if we did this here as well as all over the world????


Amanda said...

Amazing video!! Thanks so much for posting it. Totally inspiring.

boomsixty said...

Great message. Makes perfect sense. Plus, the style of the video is much admired by the graphic designer in me.