Wednesday, September 2, 2009


I drew this waaay back in 1978. I sold it too. In fact, it was the very first drawing I ever sold. (Ok, a classmate offered me $10 to draw Jerry Garcia - but he was too cute to take his money).

The guy that bought this later informed me he was taking it back to Chicago, making prints of it and selling them. I was flattered and then confused.

Alright, I'll be honest... I've been confused about most things ever since.


Doggie said...

I understand the confusion. You should have made prints and sold them, or at least got a cut. Like Tony said,"some see flowers and some see money," I must see money.

...Sharon said...

Ain't nuthin wrong with either I suppose, Doggie. But I think you see flowers otherwise, you would be quite wealthy by now. Doncha think?

Well, it doesn't appear this guy made any $$$ off my drawing; haven't seen it on anyone's walls yet.